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Jared's Search for Peace by Donna McHugh
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Categories: Christmas Plays
Author: Donna McHugh
- Description
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NOTE: This is in downloadable PDF format--not a printed book.
Jared's Search for Peace is a 45 minute narrated Christmas Program that can be performed with a minimal amount of participants.
- A pianist
- Narrator(s)
- Singers
- Scripture Readers
- Flannelgraph plus worker to change the scenes
- Optional: Several people could pantomime parts.
Jared, a young man who worked in his father’s shop, overheard many stories of traveling merchants who came into the shop. The more they talked, the more restless Jared became. He got his wish and boldly started out in his trek to make money. However, things did not turn out for the prodigal as he had planned. Come, join Jared on his Search for Peace.
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